Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm returning to the world of backgammon bloging. In the past I've run the Boulder Backgammon blog but the last year of my Ph.D. eventually took too much of my time and it fell into disrepair. Well, now I'm back!!!

So what can you expect from the blog? I intend to use this blog to try to analyze interesting backgammon questions that may seem to be open questions. I hope to take a broader view of the game than simply analyzing given problems. The goal is understanding and providing a solid framework for approaching the game.

Finally, why 6-2 backgammon? 6-2 is my least favorite roll in backgammon. If I could pick one number to never roll again it would be 6-2. It often is one of the toughest rolls to play. Anyone can play the easy rolls well. The difference in how good a player is becomes how they handle the tough decisions. As we strive to become better players, we try to tackle harder and harder decisions.

Learning is a journey and any journey is better with friends. I'll post a new issue for consideration each Sunday. Here is hoping that we make new friends along the way.